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Articles for Parents of London

The Best Toys for Kids Age 10

Author: Joella 822 0 0 0
10:46, 26 March 2013
The Best Toys for Kids Age 10

Ten-years-old are in the middle of their best years of playtime, but they still needed educational reinforcement from their toys. It is important to find toys that are not only fun, but are also practical, useful and educational.

How to be a mum and still keep your friends

When you have a baby, your friendships change in unexpected ways. Here’s how to enjoy your new ‘mummy mates’ and still keep your old ‘pre-kid’ friends.

Cooking for babies and toddlers

Author: Bertha 934 0 0 0
09:52, 26 March 2013
Cooking for babies and toddlers

For busy parents, being able to provide healthy home-cooked meals in minutes for your little ones is essential. I have found freezing food into small portions an excellent way of doing this.

20 things you can get away with when pregnant

Being pregnant isn't all bad. Now you have an excuse to do the following

How you'll feel in the first 24 hours of being a mum

You could feel a whole range of emotions – from blank exhaustion to total elation. If this is your first baby, it may even feel a little strange to be home. You may have an overwhelming sensation that life has changed forever. What was exclusively an adult home before the birth is now your family home, complete with the extra little person you've brought into the world.


Author: Terri 1053 0 0 0
09:01, 26 March 2013

Teething can be a long drawn-out process for your baby (and you). In fact, the move from that gummy grin to a mouthful of gleaming teeth can take your baby his first three years to complete.

Is it safe to let my baby sleep in his car seat?

Find out if it is safe for your baby to sleep in the car seat 

10 tips for coping with a second baby

Bringing a new baby into your home when your first baby has been your entire universe up until now can be very difficult all round

How will I know when I am in labour?

Author: Kiley 1076 0 0 0
14:07, 25 March 2013
How will I know when I am in labour?

Every woman's labour is different. So pinpointing when yours begins isn't really possible. It's more of a process than a single event, when a number of changes in your body work together to help you to give birth. However, some specific changes take place in pre-labour, early labour and established (active) labour.

Dispelling The Myths Around Pregnancy

Author: HolyDolly 972 0 0 0
13:28, 25 March 2013
Dispelling The Myths Around Pregnancy

It is impossible to escape the advice and predictions, but are pregnant women being misled or do these Old Wives' Tales have any scientific worth?

Dr Sarah Jarvis examines some of the most pervasive and popular myths associated with pregnancy to celebrate National Science & Engineering Week. So what is the scientific truth behind the tales?

Choosing a nursery

Author: Deitra 1344 0 0 0
13:08, 25 March 2013
Choosing a nursery

Cradling your newborn, it's hard to believe that your bundle of soft flesh will ever even vaguely resemble the hulking great school kids up the road. Sooner rather than later, however, you too will become an active participant in the Great British obsession of education, education, education.

London Natural History Museum

Author: Cortney 838 0 0 0
12:45, 25 March 2013
London Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum is one of the big three museums in South Kensington, London. It is a wonderful Victorian building housing the weird and wonderful of the natural world. The Natural History Museum is world famous for its dinosaur skeletons. Your kids will love it!

Morning Sickness

Author: Marje 934 0 0 0
12:01, 25 March 2013
Morning Sickness

Nausea is one of the most common – and most miserable – complaints of pregnancy, affecting around 70 per cent of pregnant women. It is often referred to as morning sickness, and for some women occurs only in the morning, but it can occur at any time during the day. 

Getting Your Toddler to Eat Healthy Foods

Does your child eat a handful of this and a handful of that, but little of what he or she needs nutritionally? Read on for some tips from a nutritionist on how to get your toddler to eat healthily and happily.

10 nutrients that every child needs

Of course you want good nutrition for your children. And you know that means making sure they're eating a balanced, healthy diet. But when you get nutrition advice from other parents, your pediatrician, and the media, it can be tough to decide which direction to follow.

A good place to begin sorting out the nutrition puzzle is to learn about the basics. Here is a list of 10 vitamins, minerals and other nutriens your child needs.

Potty training tips

Author: Elaine 951 0 0 0
10:03, 25 March 2013
Potty training tips

Most toddlers are ready for potty training at around the age of two. However, every child is different and some may be ready a little earlier whilst for others they won’t be able to master using a potty or toilet until around age three. 

Dummies: pros and cons

Author: Sonya 858 0 0 0
09:43, 25 March 2013
Dummies: pros and cons

Some parents swear that the dummy is a lifesaver, but there can be some downsides. Here are a few points to consider before introducing a dummy.             

Feeding Your 1- to 2-Year-Old

Author: Faye 986 0 0 0
08:57, 25 March 2013
Feeding Your 1- to 2-Year-Old

Toddlers this age are moving from the eating habits they had as infants toward a diet more like your own.

Your job is to keep introducing new flavors and textures. Food preferences are set early in life, so help your child develop a taste for healthy foods now.

Family Day Out Around Regent's Park, London

Head to The Regent's Park for an exciting day out that includes animal encounters, boating and a bit of celebrity spotting!

Breast-feeding nutrition: Tips for moms

Author: Alesia 1079 0 0 0
13:52, 22 March 2013
Breast-feeding nutrition: Tips for moms

Breast-feeding nutrition can be confusing. How much should you eat? What should you avoid? How might your diet affect your baby? Follow these important nutrition tips.